
15 December 2013

Green onions, 12 hours later

Happy, happy, joy, joy!
The onions have not died after 12 hours.  Yes, there is some more wilting, but they have definitely not ided yet.  I put my hand on the windowsill; it felt warm to the touch.  I believe that is a good sign.  I want to cut off the wilted leaves, but I do not know if that would be a good thing or a bad thing.  Perhaps waiting for some new growth, which should happen according to the original information, or for the wilted leaves to dry is the correct approach.  Also, the top of the soil is dry, though there is plenty of water surrounding the rocks at the bottom.  Evaporation should water the plants (he said with fingers crossed).  Anywho, I will take another picture tomorrow at about the same time and continue the green onion blog.

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