
15 December 2013

Green onion, the planting

Now, I am not much of a plant person.  I often say I have 2 black thumbs, so if this experiment fails, it could just be me.  With that caveat, let us begin.

I went to the Lowe's to buy pots and potting soil.  Unfortunately, they did not have any small pots that would fit on my windowsill, this being winter and all.  However, they did have potting soil.  I bought Miracle-Gro® Potting Mix with Micromix®.  The cost was $5.35 for an 8.8L bag.  Needing cheap pots, I headed over to Dollar Tree to see what there was.  They had glass cheese shakers (made in the USA even!) for $1 each, of course; so I purchased 3 of those, figuring 2 onions per shaker.  Knowing there should be some sort of drainage, I also bought a 2-pound bag of stones.  With taxes, these purchases cost me $4.35, but the shakers and stones will be reusable.

With pots and potting mix in hand, I then purchased a bunch of green onion from Sprout's grocery store.  The onions with tax (Yes, onions taxed; not because they are food but to pay for the road to get to the mall with the store in it.) cost me 50¢ for a bunch of 6 onions.  Now, I have to ask myself, "Is spending $9.70 in an effort to preserve an item that costs 8⅓¢ really a frugal thing?"  Mathematically speaking, I will have to preserve 117 green onions before breaking even.  Well, I bought the stuff, so I might as well complete the experiment.

To set up the pots, I put a handful of stones into each shaker and topped this with potting mix to about ½” below the rim.  (By the way, 1 cup of Miracle-Gro® Potting Mix with Micromix® weighs 2 ounces, which means the 8.8L bag should weigh 73.3 ounces total.)  I used a pen to make a hole in the dirt and tried to insert an onion.  While doing this, the dirt compacted about an inch.  Upon trying to insert the onion, it was too wide, so I used my finger to expand the hole.  I made a second hole and planted a second onion in the same jar.  Since the dirt compressed, I put in more dirt.  After completing all 3 shakers, I placed them on a windowsill.
As you can see in the picture above, the onions had already received a little bit of damage by the time I planted and placed them.  Another concern is the winter weather.  I am not sure if the cold seeping in will impact the test.  Problem is, my apartment is so small that I have no other place to put them to get sunshine, so there you go.  We shall see how they fair in the coming days and, hopefully, weeks.

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