
29 November 2013

Zippy Mexican Salad

This recipe actually comes from the back of an American Beauty elbow macaroni package.  Other than the mayo, it looked like it would work for my purposes, so I entered the Calorie Counter's nutrition label generator.  To see the original recipe with the nutrition label, click this link.  Unfortunately, I just discovered that all my previous numbers were incorrect, based on wrong computer-chosen ingredients and improper measures.  In other words, the recipe cannot be followed as it appears.

I went ahead and made the recipe according to the package.  Based on how much the recipe made, each serving will weigh 150 grams and be less than 1 cup.  I divided the recipe into half-pint mason jars and vacuum sealed them, keeping one to taste test.  A serving comes to about 1 cup and fits nicely in a wide-mouthed half-pint mason jar.
Looks like the size of one of those 89¢ freezer meals, so one of the changes I am thinking of is going from 8 servings to 6 servings.

So, is the taste worth it?  I think so.  It is very creamy and is spicy enough for my tastes.  In fact, the spice is still on my tongue.  I hope it offers me the energy I am looking for.  It is hard to tell right now because I am hopped up on Mountain Dew.  It is also worth the cost, coming in at only 54¢ per serving.

After playing with the label generator for a while, I learned how to get the information to display more accurately.  I also made some changes to the original recipe to get better numbers.  You can see the revised recipe, which I called “Kidney Bean Taco Salad”, by clicking this link.  I am doubling the amount of beans.  This will increase the volume per serving as well as the grams of protein, making protein grams more than fat grams.  I also added 8 ounces of roma tomatoes.  After all, this is taco flavored.  The Zone calculation after these changes will be 63/14/23.

It is going to take me 7 days to get through the original recipe before I can attempt the revised recipe.  Come back some time later to check out this post again for any updates.

UPDATE:  I ate my first container of the salad at work last night.  This first go did not produce the sustained energy I was hoping for.  Even with eating an orange 2-1/2 hours after the pasta, I was still yawning by the end of work.

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