
05 November 2013

Linoleum cleaner, test #1

Of course, none of this is of any use if the cleaner doesn’t actually work, so on to the floor test.  You can go to this link to see the before pictures.  This link takes you to the after pictures.  The pictures below are the before and after of the mop head.
I am more disappointed in the mop than I am in the solution.  This type of microfiber mop is more for dusting than it is for scrubbing.  Although it did pick up a good deal of dirt, it did very little for the stuck-on food.  I’m going to have to do more tests with a better mop before I pass judgement on this solution, so keep your eye on this project for another test report.

As always, I welcome your comments.  Click on the Comment link below; it may say "No" or have a number in front of it.

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