
22 December 2013

Planted Green Onions, week 1

Monday's picture shows new growth on 4 of the 6 onions.
On Tuesday, the plants continued to thrive.
Here are some pictures of the new growth on the 2 plants to your right.
Here is Wednesday's picture.  Not really much to explain.  Things continue on.
Thursday's picture didn't show anything out of the ordinary.  There were no new shoots coming up, and the old shoots continued to die off.
I just wanted to take a picture of the longest new shoot.  This is the jar on your left, which seems to have sprouted either quite rapidly or immediately after planting.
Here they are as of Friday noonish of week #1.  As you can see, the growth seems to have stopped, but the onions are still overall green and fresh.

It seems that I somehow forgot to take some pictures on Saturday.

Therefore, on Sunday of Week #1, this is how the onions looked.  Some more of the leaves became brown, but all the onions still had green leaves, meaning none appeared to be dead.  Planted 1 week ago, these green onions appear to still be viable.  I did some clipping to prune back the dead leaves, as appears below.  We shall see if this results in new growth.
And here are some close-ups showing the new growth on 4 of the 6 plants.
At the end of next week, I may pull out one of the onions to see if it is still usable in a recipe.  I will just have to make sure I make a recipe that calls for about ⅛ cup of green onion.

As always, I welcome your comments.  Click on the Comment link below; it may say "No" or have a number in front of it.

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