
08 December 2013

Mod Podge method, recipe test

While sitting around doing nothing, I finally got off my butt and attempted the Mod Podge method recipe on a glass jar.  The original recipe is fairly simple:
  • 1 tsp. Mod Podge (or Elmer's White glue)
  • 3 drops food coloring
  • 1½ tsp. water
Because my test jar is so small, I cut the recipe in half.  I also used 2 drops of food coloring:  1 red and 1 blue.  This is an attempt to achieve a shade of purple.
I put all the ingredients into the bottle and mixed them using a paint brush.
I then capped the bottle and shook it vigorously to get the glue drips along the side.  The mixing went very nicely.  Because there was still a lot of liquid remaining in the bottle, I poured out the excess.&nbps; According to the original directions, I capped the jar and turned it upside down to drain.
When I returned to remove the cap, I found a large drop at the bottom of the bottle.  This is due to the bottom being convex (curved like the exterior of a sphere) rather than flat.  I should not have this problem with a lens because I can use the concave (curved like the interior of a sphere) side.
Emptying the remaining liquid caused a drip to run from the peak of the convexity down the side of the jar.  Again, this should not happen on the lens due to its concavity.  Now all there is to do is wait for the bottle to dry and inspect the results.
This is the result at 6 hours.  As you can see, it is quite cloudy instead of having that clear look as in the original picture.
Now I have to decide how to proceed.  Clearly, this result demonstrates this method cannot be used on eyeglasses, but how did the inspirational picture end up with clear glass?  One thing I can attempt is to simply paint Mod Podge on a glass and see if it dries clear.  If it dries cloudy, then it is the Mod Podge that is causing the problem.  Perhaps I used the wrong Mod Podge, as there are at least 7 different formulas.  The original tutorial does not specify which one to use, only that one could use white Elmer's glue instead.  However, it does say that the recipe will make 3 jars.  It could be that I spread mine on too thick.  It could also be that the recipe is not correct.  The consistency of the original tutorial is not the same as mine.  Ah, decisions, decisions.

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